Our inspections include a client briefing at the end of the inspection to discuss our findings and concerns with our clients. Typically, these are done in person, but we can Skype, Facetime, or conference call with out-of-town clients or family members when necessary.
Additionally, PDX Inspect Inc. produces detailed narrative style reports that include color photos along with the explanations to give a complete understanding of the issues and scope of the issues (findings). While our inspections and reports are not technically exhaustive, we aim to assure enough detail in our reports that contractors and repair people can understand the inspector’s concerns, where the issues are located, and the potential extent of the issues. Many of our clients that were not able to attend our client briefings have commented that with all the details in the reports they did not need talk with their inspector because could fully understand the issues from the report and understood what they needed to do to address them.
PDX Inspect Inc. holds the opinion that we are highly experienced professionals hired to assist our clients to make better informed decisions. We respect the gravity of the trust placed in us by our clients regarding one of the largest investments they will make. Our approach is significantly different then the majority of the home inspection industry. At the recommendation of the national home inspection association, many inspectors write "specifically vague" comments, defer most issues and systems to "be further evaluated", or intentionally use confusing report layouts to limit their clients from understanding any issues. A board member of one such association commented to an audience of inspectors at a national convention, "if your client cannot understand your report, they cannot sue you, and most home buyers do not want to look stupid and ask questions".
We strongly encourage you to evaluate the reports of any inspection company that you are considering, prior to hiring them! You will quickly see that not all inspection companies offer the same service. Just as with doctors or attorneys, the best are the best, the cheapest are… well, not in your overall best interest. Each member of our team has over 10 years in the building and construction industry and is highly trained to use their experience to fully evaluate any potential issues that may come up during a home inspection.
Sample Report 1
The seller of this home bought the home two years prior to our home inspection. They did have the home inspected, but they went with an inspection company because it offered a $50 coupon. Their inspector lacked the experience and knowledge to identify the many issues that were present in the home.
Unfortunately for them, trying to save $50 on their home inspection is now likely to cost them somewhere North of $50,000, because the State of Oregon only holds (bad) builders liable for structural defects for 10-years after the home is built (11-years had passed at the time). When they bought the home two years earlier (9-years after the home was built) all of the issues noted in our report would have been clearly visible. Had their home inspector not missed the numerous issues and the obvious water stains and rot, the owners could have held the prior seller and the builder liable for the cost of the many necessary repairs.
Sample Report 2
This is an inspection report of a 1960s home in relatively good condition. There has been ongoing maintenance and several systems improvements; however, with a home being made of hundreds of different parts it is challenging for even the most active of handymen to stay on top of everything.